William Sonstein M.D. publishes a new paper on Cerebrospinal Fluid

Trigeminal Neuralgia Support Group Meeting 10/13
September 30, 2015
conf 3
Dr. Michael Brisman present at TNA National Conference
October 13, 2015

Willian Sonstein, M.D. has published a new paper on cerebrospinal fluid in the journal Electrophoresis.

You can see the paper here.

Abstract: A simple and rapid detection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage would benefit spine surgeons making critical postoperative decisions on patient care. We have assessed novel approaches to selectively determine CSF ?2-transferrin (?2TF), an asialo-transferrin (aTF) biomarker, without interference from serum sialo-transferrin (sTF) in test samples. First, we performed mild periodate oxidation to selectively generate aldehyde groups in sTF for capture with magnetic hydrazide microparticles, and selective removal with a mag- netic separator. Using this protocol sTF was selectively removed from mixtures of CSF and serum containing CSF aTF (?2TF) and serum sTF, respectively. Second, a two-step enzymatic method was developed with neuraminidase and galactose oxidase for generat- ing aldehyde groups in sTF present in CSF and serum mixtures for magnetic hydrazide microparticle capture. After selectively removing sTF from mixtures of CSF and serum, ELISA could detect significant TF signal only in CSF, while the TF signal in serum was negligible. The new approach for selective removal of only sTF in test samples will be promising for the required intervention by a spine surgeon.