Figure 1: A) Non Contrast CT and B) MRI FLAIR studies demonstrate subtle Subarachnoid hemorrhage in the sylvian and parietal sulci (arrows) The subararachnoid hemorrhage was […]
The patient is a 65-year-old woman with a history of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia who was experiencing bilateral lower extremity weakness and numbness for close to one […]
In 2016, a 54-year-old man presented with mid-thoracic back pain and was found, by imaging, to have a presumed T3 vertebral body hemangioma. He was neurologically […]
Figure 1. A) 6 weeks post mild trauma B) 4 weeks post mild trauma demonstrate stable subacute subdural collections with mild growth and sulcal effacement. The […]
Educational Goals: Learners will be able to recognize the symptoms that may suggest Perfusion Failure secondary to severe Carotid Artery Stenosis, and order appropriate tests to […]
Nomenclature: While these tumors are generally referred to as “acoustic neuromas”, it is understood that these are generally, in reality, “vestibular schwannomas”. The tumor arises from […]
Image 1: Pre-treatment axial post contrast MRI. Because the lesion was sizeable, and causing much mass effect, and the diagnosis was unclear, and the patient was […]
Educational Goals: Learners will be able to recognize the symptoms that may suggest Vertebral-Basilar Insufficiency, and appropriately refer these patients to appropriate imaging, testing, and subspecialist […]